Ken Malik

Ken Malik

I’ll be first out of the plane!

Mary Agneberg

Mary Agneberg

This will be my third jump for the PAF. There is an adrenaline surge the moment the door opens and it is followed by a feeling of tranquility as you float back to earth.

James Dennis

James Dennis

In his cute Texas drawl: “Oh heck yeah, I’m TOTALLY down for THAT!”

Adam Hyde

Adam Hyde

Will I do it? You KNOW I’ll do it!

Just Jennifer

Just Jennifer

Of course I’ll do it – I’ll do anything once/twice!

LoraAnn Meeks

LoraAnn Meeks

Why are you asking me if I want to do it? OF COURSE, I’ll do it – I LOVE to skydive!

Cary Ostrofe

Cary Ostrofe

Thanks for the chance to do it again. I had so much fun last time!