Prostate Awareness Foundation

Prostate Self Help

Monthly Bulletin

November 2009

Red and Processed Meat Again Linked to Prostate Cancer:

An increased intake of red meat may increase your risk of prostate cancer. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute report that red meat consumption increases the risk of prostate cancer by up to 12%. The study also indicated that red meat eaters already diagnosed with prostate cancer have a 30% increased chance of progressing to advanced prostate cancer. This new study analyzed data from 175,000 American men between the ages of 50-71 years of age. The researchers concluded that consumption of red meat, especially when barbequed or grilled is positively associated with increased prostate cancer and disease progression.

Some Cancers Vanish without Treatment:

A paper published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) has surprised many cancer specialists. It reports that many tumors if left untreated are destined to stop growing on their own. This is contrary to accepted thought about cancer disease progression being the normal course of events. According to Dr Barnett Kramer, Associate Director for Disease Prevention at the National Institute of Health “the old view is a linear process, a cell acquired a mutation, and little by little it acquired more and more mutations. Mutations are not supposed to revert spontaneously”. Now it is becoming increasingly clear that cancer requires more than just mutations to advance. They need the cooperation of surrounding cells and the rest of body to progress. This may be hard for cancer specialists and skeptics to accept but a small percentage of cancer either disappears or stops in its tracks on its own with no treatment. So doctors are now being forced to reassess how cancer develops in the first place and hopefully, which cancers will progress and which ones can be left alone.

As for prostate cancer specifically, researchers are saying that they doubt it disappears but in some cases it appears to grow and then mysteriously stop growing or grows very slowly. Men in this situation are good candidates for active surveillance, but the trouble is that diagnostic tools available at this time are unable to differentiate between slow growing and more aggressive cancers. Health professionals from all over the world have being working to develop a definitive test that will provide doctors this information and reduce the volume of over treatment.

Active Surveillance is a Viable Option for Low Risk Tumors of the Prostate:

So indicates a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Martin Sanda, MD the Director of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Associate Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School led this important study.

A total of 3,331 men diagnosed with prostate cancer from 1986 – 2007 were followed. 342 of them deferred treatment for a year or more. 15 years later half of these men still had not undergone any treatment for the disease and had not progressed from the time of diagnosis. Only 2 % of these men eventually died of prostate cancer, compared with only 1% of men who opted for treatment.

New Books about Prostate Cancer:

There are two books we were made aware of at the recent Prostate Cancer Research Institute symposium that we think are important to every man dealing with prostate health issues. The first is by Mark Moyad, MD and titled “Promoting Wellness For Prostate Cancer Patients.” Dr Moyad, from the University of Michigan Medical Center, Dept of Urology is considered by his peers to be at the forefront of complementary nutrition for prostate cancer. The second: “Saving Your Sex Life – A Guide For Men With Prostate Cancer” by John Mulhall, MD. Dr Mulhall is the Director of the Sexual and Reproductive Medicine Program, Division of Urology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. We feel this book is a must read for any man considering a conventional treatment for prostate cancer. Dr Mulhall’s insights and suggestions on dealing with sexual dysfunction is a topic rarely touched on by urologists and prostate cancer specialists. The information in this book will make a difference for most men dealing with sexual dysfunction after treatment.

Next Year’s Cancer Climb for Prostate Awareness Will Be In Glacier National Park:

As you may know, PAF does a mountain climbing / trekking expedition to raise awareness and funds to keep the foundation operating. The 2010 event will take place in Mid-August on 2010. We will be going to Glacier National Park in Montana. This is not a technical climb and there will be an opportunity each day to either be participate in either a strenuous or more laid back itinerary. We will be staying in some of the beautiful old lodges in Glacier National Park and have an opportunity to see some amazing scenery and wild life. For more information and how you can participate please contact Ken Mali at 415-675-5661 or

Yes, You Can Get a Test To Determine Your Omega 3 Fatty Acid Level:

There is 100% agreement by scientists and health professionals that American’s are sadly lacking in healthy Omega 3 Fatty Acids. This deficiency leads to many of the chronic diseases afflicting our society. Now there are tests available from your doctor that can tell you if you are getting enough of these essential fats. There are a number of different companies offering this analysis including: Omega 3 Index, Gene Smart Wellness, Omega Quant Analytics and Omega Biostatus. Recent research at UCLA suggests consuming 3 portions of fish per week or 5mg of fish oil.

Prostate Awareness Foundation
2166 12th Ave
, San Francisco, CA 94116

415-675-5661 /